Enrolling employees in training sessions with training companies is a common practice. Entrusting the design or delivery of internal training to service providers is less common. What are the benefits for the companies concerned? What can those who take the plunge expect, and under what conditions will they succeed?
Faced with a shortage of permanent talent, outsourcing is enjoying renewed interest...
How do projects led fully in-house often unfold?
The two main actors in training projects are your experts and training departments. Business experts are generally in charge of developing training for their business. However, due to a lack of solid methods in project management and training engineering, they often spend a lot of time designing unsuitable materials (overloaded slides, lack of clear pedagogical objectives, uninviting pedagogies, etc.).
In addition, training departments often lack the time to provide sufficient support to experts. What are the most common consequences? Design projects that drag on, deliverables of varying quality, and finally unenthusiastic and not necessarily competent trained employees.
Do you share this observation? Here are 5 reasons why educational outsourcing will appeal to you and the points to validate when choosing your provider.
1. Mastering your training projects
By outsourcing the project management and pedagogy, you will get a structured project and regular reports. The experts will be guided in the realization of deliverables, and express their expertise in a secure and comfortable way.
To be validated: The provider's ability to reformulate your issues, to adapt to your culture and teaching style. The quality of listening during the briefing as well as the content and editorial quality of the service offer are reliable indicators.
2. Developing Turnover and EBITDA
Selling a new product, deploying a customer retention platform, using a new, more efficient tool, speeding up the transition to production for new employees, increasing the ability to collaborate as a team... there is always an operational and financial stake in training. HR Directors are particularly awaited on this point (1).
By outsourcing, you will :
- Accelerate the delivery of projects, and therefore increase their impact
- Ensure the link between your business objectives and future training deliverables
- Benefit from a program that complies with training regulations and get advice in the search for funding
To be validated: The provider's ability to reformulate your operational objectives, to easily enter into collaboration with your team and to take an interest in your business. By having a future member of the project team participate in the brief and/or the presentation of the offer, you will be able to test the provider's abilities.
3. Freeing up time for your business experts and your training department
By relying on an educational consultant, experts avoid getting lost in low value-added tasks. In addition, they can delegate the production of some deliverables. Generally, the pedagogical itineraries, E-learning scenarios, instructions for facilitators, and quizzes to validate learning are produced by the service provider.
Your training department will be freed from the tasks of managing and reviewing the deliverables. It can adopt a "mission director/sponsor" posture and delegate project management. With a small investment in time, your employees can also learn from the service provider's best practices to improve their pedagogical skills.
Thus, outsourcing benefits overall performance by allowing everyone to better implement their project/assignment portfolio.
To be validated: The provider's experience is a factor of adaptability, flexibility and efficiency in the project. It will also allow you to benefit from numerous customer cases. Beware, therefore, of "novice" freelancers who may lack efficiency and relevance on some points.
4. Benefiting from pedagogical innovations
Digitizing classroom training or designing digital training / E-learning, experimenting with the pedagogical use of smartphones in classroom training, making a clean break with "top-down" training, setting up relevant validation of acquired knowledge... A service provider can help you take these pedagogical "steps". They have a strong impact on the added value and image of the training/HR department, especially if they involve digitalization (2).
To be validated: The provider's ability to be a force of proposal. The service provider must be interested in your teaching style, the tools you already have and how you use them, your ambitions... Beware of "gadgets", any proposal must have a real educational purpose. Moreover, in the case of trainings delivered in-house, the innovations must be assimilated by your trainers.
5. Boosting employee experience and retention
A buoyant job market, or even a shortage in certain professions or regions, currently increases the risk of employee departures. Through the development of skills, a quality employee experience, and attractive and useful training documents, training contributes to employee retention.
To be validated: Accepting that the provider interviews a few future trainees at the beginning of the project can boost the relevance of the project and its acceptability. In addition, employees often express themselves more easily to someone from outside the company. Check the quality of the feedback you receive and the link with the educational proposals, as well as the feelings of the interviewees. The usefulness for the trainees is a constant concern of quality providers.
As you can see, educational outsourcing represents a real competitive advantage for your company and your teams. At Luceole we believe that "joy precedes success" and we put the training experience at the heart of our projects!
What benefits are you looking for?
Contact us to find out how to easily reach your goals and take full advantage of outsourced support!
Claire Fromageot
Founder & CEO
Luceole, expert in training engineering, carries out and accompanies your customized training projects.
1. Willistowerswatson 2021 survey, https://www.willistowerswatson.com/fr-FR/Insights/2021/03/hr-survey-results-2021. Revenue growth is the top priority for HRDs (62% of 120 respondents).
2. Same source. Digitalization also tied for second place for HRDs (35% of 120 respondents).
3. Same source. Employee engagement is the second priority for HRDs (36% of 120 respondents).