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Training organizations

Develop your business, confirm your digital transition, absorb occasional overload of work on internal projects or a client mission ... ?

You want to

Luceole expert en ingénierie pédagogique pour Organismes de formation


How many times have you been confronted with these questions:

  • I need educational engineering resources, but will they be professional enough?

  • Can someone quickly work with our in-house experts to produce our training modules?

  • How can we ensure the creativity of our offers to set ourselves apart?

  • What digital strategy would perform for our training offer?

Dedicated support

You have to reconcile your Qualiopi certification, the opportunities and constraints of digital, the COVID-19 context

with day-to-day management ...?

Take advantage of the support of an expert in training engineering and digital training.

We work with your marketing team, product development or internal E-learning agency.

We apply and enhance, wherever possible, your teaching style, your values, your LMS platform and your tools.

This allows us to design training courses that meet your requirements and are consistent with your training offer.


Define your digital strategy

  • Define a digital strategy that meets the expectations of your targets and audiences.

  • Promote your digital differentiation.

  • Identify what types of blended learning solutions your organization can / should be able to produce and administratively justify.

  • Choose a digital strategy that takes into account your budget constraints and business objectives.

  • Present your training offer in an attractive way for your prospects and customers.

Luceole expert en ingénierie pédagogique et stratégie pour Organismes de formation
Ancre 1 - défiir stratégie
Luceole expert en ingénierie pédagogique et Digital learning pour Organismes de formation


Produce your digital or blended learning courses

  • Develop educational concepts and learning paths.

  • Collaborate with the experts to produce the content.

  • Assist your project manager or manage your development project (internal or specific to the client).

  • Use rapid learning tools to quickly produce materials that can be modified internally.

  • Bring empathy and creativity into projects.

Ancre 2 - parcours digitau


Lead a client project

  • Quickly take ownership of your content , the customer context and provide educational added value.

  • Demonstrate autonomy while seeking support or feedback if appropriated.

  • Satisfy your customer and thus strengthen their loyalty to your training organization.

Luceole expert en ingénierie pédagogique et projets clients pour Organismes de formation
Ancre 3 - projet client

Got a project?

Take advantage of the solid expertise of our senior consultants to enrich your training offer and training delivery!

The Luceole difference

More than 20 years of creativity to support your training projects

Compliant pedagogy and integration of QUALIOPI administrative requirements

A solid and proven project management in all sectors of activity

The training of trainers and digital training tutors

Luceole expert en ingénierie pédagogique et formation
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