The main LMS platforms regularly enhance their functionalities. Administrators, designers, trainers, tutors, training managers, etc. work together to create the learner experience. E-learning and digital learning experts such as Luceole can also create courses or modules on your platform. So many parameters to take into account...
Here are 4 tips to make your platform profitable, innovative and up-to-date.
1. Enhance the skills of your business experts
Here are the main concepts with which your business experts, involved in designing the modules, must be familiar. This will enable them to produce the appropriate content and to place their action within a well understood framework. For example, for the 360Learning platform, we familiarise them with :
- synchronous / asynchronous training
- forced linear or not
- session / path / course / module / activity
- the different types of activities available on the platform
- the different types of questions
- tools for interaction with learners: forum, etc.
And if relevant :
- the different options for delivering the modules (training, challenge, exam, practice mode) or the nature of the modules
- the different roles: author, co-author, administrator, referent, etc., depending on your platform and your organisation.
Of course, the related pedagogical requirements must be addressed (in E-learning, you cannot rely on the competence of the trainer to say what is not explicit in the materials!)
What forms can this skill development take?
- Action training, with each expert coming with his or her topics and being accompanied by the trainer in the development of a training module. This arrangement is appropriate if you have several designs in parallel and if the experts have prior experience of instructional design,
- A skill development on the occasion of a project, with the educational engineer providing the elements of knowledge and know-how at the right moment in the project.
You may wish to have internal experts create or update digital content themselves. There are 3 possible levels:
1. Modify existing digital content
2. Create content in digital modules
3. Create digital modules or E-learning courses
2. Train your trainers and tutors in digital
What do you expect from your instructors who will train following an E-learning course ? What do you expect from your experts who act as E-learning tutors? What organisational arrangements do they have to be part of?
With an E-learning course lasting no more than 30 minutes, you can help your trainers and tutors to consult and analyse learners' results, and to follow up on them. They will also be able to adopt the appropriate language and reflexes in YOUR context.
3. Improve training in 3 steps
During the project phase
As the training design progresses, test the content with experts and representatives of the target population. Carefully debrief the pilot session.
Continuous improvement during delivery phase
Monitoring is needed to solve possible misunderstandings quickly. Several sources should be combined:
- Feedback from trainers and tutors
- Notifications from the platform or their online summary, in particular "I didn't understand" or "this content is out of date"
- Feedback from learners in the form of comments or questions. Answers or adjustments within 48 hours are highly appreciated.
It's like the 3-year or 100,000 km review of your car! It should be scheduled after a given number of sessions or participants, or more simply, on a date fixed in advance. For e-learning, don't wait more than 6 months or 1 year. The more modules or content there are, the more important it is to have a tried and tested method of revision.
Finally, make sure you keep control of the updates! If you have your content created by an E-learning expert, ask for the source files (in the case of authoring tools such as Articulate Storyline) and/or have the content created on your account (in the case of a rapid learning tool such as Genially). Luceole's teams provide you with a structure and file naming to enable you to find your content easily.
4. Issue certificates
These certificates can take different forms depending on the LMS platform. Providing internal "micro-certifications":
- Provides learners with recognition by the company of the skills acquired,
- Facilitates the monitoring of results.
Be careful to choose the granularity of the certificates so that they are consistent with operational and regulatory expectations.
With these 4 tips, you are now more aware of the best practices to use your LMS platform. To implement them in an optimal way and maximise the results according to your needs, contact Luceole!
Do you want to be sure of your E-learning design? Make your LMS more profitable? Contact us!
Claire Fromageot
Founder & CEO
Luceole, expert in training, carries out and accompanies your customized training projects.